
  • Communication & Content Strategy

    Successful marketing and communication should always support your business goals. Therefore it’s important to have a solid strategy and framework in place. To create efficient communication, engaging messages, and content that drives results, I design strategies that balance audience interest with business needs.

  • Digital Strategy

    Effective digital communication requires an understanding of how algorithms work and how users consume content via mobile and social platforms. To be successful, you need to develop an effective strategy for working with a fast-paced and agile approach, using algorithms optimally, engaging with new platforms, and adapting messages according to each channel, format, and target group. When you head into production with data-driven storytelling, A/B testing, analytics, and continuous iteration of creative content will ensure maximal performance.

  • Sustainability Marketing

    Creating successful sustainability communication requires a deep understanding of your audience’s perspective. Important matters such as climate change, environmental issues, and social equity are highly engaging, especially for younger audiences. Therefore, you need to understand the concerns of different target groups and use transparency, authenticity, and dialogue to drive results.

  • Content Production

    I help companies convert strategy to creative content, based on data and insights. As a journalist and TV producer, I have extensive experience in creating authentic stories and engaging content that grabs the audience's attention within the first second. I have broad experience in working with both commercial and editorial content, primarily video in all its shapes and sizes - from social video to live streaming, branded, and digital content.

  • Video Coaching

    Video has fast become the preferred medium for external and internal communication. Twelve times more engaging than text, it provides the perfect format for communicating with your customers and employees. To engage your viewers, spokespeople and executives need to receive the right tools to excel on camera. I offer my clients video coaching and manuscript preparation based on insights and knowledge from my extensive experience as a TV host and producer.

  • Public Speaking

    As an experienced public speaker and moderator, I regularly perform inspirational speaking engagements on subjects that I’m passionate about. Subjects range from insights on Gen Z, sustainability, digital trends and the future of entertainment/ media.